How do I use the work view?

The Work view serves as your handy assistant throughout the day. All your scheduled jobs are neatly organized and ready for you to complete, with the next job appearing automatically as you finish each one.

Navigating the Work view

The Work view

Job filter
By default, no filter is applied and all scheduled jobs are displayed. Click to apply a filter and hide completed jobs, view unassigned jobs, or jobs by user or round.
Job filter applied
A blue filter icon indicates a filter has been applied.
Selected day
By default, today is selected. Use the left and right arrows to navigate to past or future days.
Menu icon
Click on the menu icon in the top-right corner to view scheduled work for a different day, select Reorder to drag and drop scheduled jobs into a different order, Optimise the order of scheduled jobs, or adjust your Work view Preferences.

Job details and menu

Tap on a job to view all the details you need on the go: customer/job tags, the address, weather forecast, scheduled time, duration, job cost, any customer notes or job notes, and customer balance. You can also tap Directions to start navigating to the job address in your preferred maps app or Mark as done when the job is complete.

Click the menu icon to the right-hand side of a job to access the following options:

  • Mark as done to generate an invoice and take payment if the customer has added an automatic payment method. You can also add external payment or make a one-time invoice adjustment
  • Directions to start navigating to the job address in your preferred maps app
  • Skip job until it's next due. If you're skipping it at the customer's request, you can record this and we'll show how often this happens in the Jobs tab on the customer page
  • Reschedule job manually for another day and time
  • View customer to go to the customer page where you can view their past invoices, any other jobs linked to them, and send them a message

The Work view job menu

Adding jobs to the Work view

Adding jobs to the Work view is simple - just schedule them for the desired day. For optimal efficiency, we recommend using the Calendar view to automatically schedule your work. You can also group jobs into rounds and schedule those for the day.