How do I change automatic customer notifications?

getSoapy can send automatic SMS and email messages to your customers to keep them updated about their quote, job, or to remind them to pay an invoice.

When you first start using getsoapy, all customer notifications are turned off to prevent unwanted messages from being sent while you set things up. The following notification options are available:

Configure which notifications are sent to all customers

To select which notifications you want to enable for all customers, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to More > Customers > Notifications.

  2. Under the Customers and Quotes tabs, use the drop-down menu to select which notifications you want to be sent, and how you want them to be sent (Email or SMS). Remember to click Save at the bottom of each tab when you're done.

Don't send
No notification will be sent
Send by Email only
The notification will be sent by email if the customer has an email address.
Send by SMS only
The notification will be sent by SMS if the customer has a phone number.
Send by Email if available, or SMS if not
The notification will be sent by email if the customer has an email address, but if not, it will be sent by SMS. It will not be sent by SMS if the customer has an email address.
Send by SMS if available, or Email if not
The notification will be sent by SMS if the customer has a phone number, but if not, it will be sent by email. It will not be sent by email if a phone number is available.
Send by Email and SMS
The notification will be sent by both email and SMS if the customer has an email address and a phone number.
  1. Click Save to save your preferences.

Customise notifications for an individual customer

If you need to configure custom notification settings (exceptions) for an individual customer, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the customer from Manage > Customers or click View customer from the Jobs menu.

  2. Click the menu icon in the top-right corner and select Notifications.

  3. Any existing custom notification settings will be displayed. From here you can add a new or edit an existing custom notification setting.

Add a new custom notification setting

  1. To add a new custom setting, select a notification type from the drop-down list.

  2. Under the notification type, select a custom setting from the drop-down list. See above for an explanation of how each of these settings works.

Customer custom notifications

  1. Click Update to save.

Edit a custom notification setting

  1. Under the notification type, change the custom setting from the drop-down list. See above for an explanation of how each of these settings works.

Customer custom notifications

  1. Click Update to save.

Notification options

From the Options tab, you can control when notifications are sent - immediately, or only between certain hours.

  1. Go to More > Customers > Notifications.

  2. Select the Options tab.

  3. Toggle Limit notification delivery times to only send notifications between certain times. By default, the "Allowed times" are 7:00-22:00. Tap a time to adjust it. Toggle the option off to send notifications immediately.

Customer notifications options

  1. Click Save to save your preferences.