How do I charge a customer?

There are several ways to charge a customer:

Mark a job as done

When a job is marked as done, getSoapy automatically:

  • deducts the job cost from the customer's balance
  • adds any external payment to the customer's balance
  • generates an invoice for the job and adds it to the customer's account (Manage > Customers > Customer name > Finances)
  • charges the customer if they have added an automatic payment method
  • sends an SMS and/or email message (if enabled) asking them to make payment via the customer portal or payment widget
  • adds a point to any loyalty cards associated with this job

Manually charge a customer

  1. Select the customer from Manage > Customers.

  1. Click the menu icon in the top-right corner and select Charge customer.

Customer menu

  1. In the Charge payment method form:
  • select the customer's Payment method to charge
  • enter the Amount
  • enter a Reason for charge

Charge payment method form

  1. Click Charge to confirm.