How do I manage additional users?

To view and edit additional users linked to your account, go to More > My Business > Additional users.

Additional users page

Here you can see each user's role and status:

Worker tag
Has limited access to your account. They can only see the work you assign them and mark jobs as done.
Manager tag
Can do most things in your account such as assign work to other users, change customer and payment information, manage services, and more.
Pending tag
An invitation has been emailed to them, but they have not set up a getSoapy account and currently cannot access your account. You will not be charged until this changes to Active.
Active tag
This user has access to your account. You are being charged a monthly fee for their access.

Click on the menu icon to the right-hand side of a user to access the following options:

  • Change role to manager or worker
  • Remove access. You can re-add them later

Additional user menu

Re-add a removed user

If you need to re-add an additional user that was previously removed, click Add user, re-enter their email address, and select a role to assign them.

If they have a getSoapy account, they'll be reactivated instantly. If they've closed their account, they'll be sent an email invitation to rejoin.