How do I view and manage jobs?

There are several ways to view and manage your jobs in getSoapy:

View jobs from the home page

On the home page, you'll find a summary of job statuses for all your jobs. For an explanation of what each status means, see How do job statuses work?

Jobs summary on the home page

Click on a status to view the list of jobs with that status. This will take you to the jobs page with a filter applied so you only see the jobs with the status you selected.

To clear the filter, click on the filter icon and click Clear.

Filter applied icon

View and manage jobs from the jobs page

To view and manage all of your jobs, go to Plan > Jobs.

By default, all of your jobs will be displayed but if you've previously applied a filter, results may still be filtered. Check the colour of the filter icon to confirm and if necessary, click on the filter icon and click Clear.

Filter applied (light blue):
Filter applied icon
No filter applied:
Filter icon

Click on the menu icon to the right-hand side of a job to access the following options:

  • View customer to go to the customer page
  • Schedule job manually (see How do I manually schedule jobs?)
  • Mark as done to generate an invoice and take payment if the customer has added an automatic payment method. You can also add external payment or make a one-time invoice adjustment
  • Skip job until it's next due. If you're skipping it at the customer's request, you can record this and we'll show how often this happens in the Jobs tab on the customer page
  • Edit job title, service(s) included, frequency, advanced scheduling options, round, duration, and notes
  • Delete job

To apply bulk actions to multiple jobs, click on the selection icon in the top-right corner, select the jobs you want to apply the action to, and use the menu icon on the right-hand side to select an action.

Bulk select icon

View and manage jobs linked to a customer

To view and manage jobs linked to a specific customer:

  1. Select the customer from Manage > Customers.

  1. Select the Jobs tab below the customer's details.

  2. Click on the menu icon to the right-hand side of a job to access the following options:

  • Schedule job manually (see How do I manually schedule jobs?)
  • Mark as done to generate an invoice and take payment if the customer has added an automatic payment method. You can also add external payment or make a one-time invoice adjustment
  • Skip job until it's next due. If you're skipping it at the customer's request, you can record this and we'll show how often this happens in the Jobs tab on the customer page
  • View history
  • Edit job title, service(s) included, frequency, advanced scheduling options, round, duration, and notes
  • Edit cost to edit the job cost breakdown
  • Invoice Adjustment to make a one-time adjustment to the next invoice of a job (see How do I adjust the price of a job?)
  • Cancel job to stop this job recurring. You can resume it or manually schedule this job again later
  • Delete job