How do I add a customer?

There are several ways to add a customer to your account:

Add a customer manually

Use this method to add an individual customer.

  1. Go to Manage > Customers.
  2. Click the menu icon in the top-right corner and select + Add customer.

Customers main menu

  1. Enter the customer's details into the Edit form.
  • Enter the customer's Name (optional).
  • Select the Customer Type to help categorise your customers (required).
  • Enter the customer's Email so they can receive notifications (optional).
  • Enter the customer's Phone number to make it easy to call them from the app and so they can receive notifications (optional).
  • Enter the customer's Address (required). This is the location where any jobs are carried out and is used when automatically scheduling work.

Customer address field

  • Enter any Notes about the customer (optional). These are for your reference only and are displayed on the customer page and when you tap on a job from the Work view.
  • Add Tags to help organise customers or highlight important information (optional).
  1. Click Submit to save. Job done!

Add a customer from a quote

When you send a quote to a potential customer, they are not added to your Customers automatically. Use this method to add a customer you have previously sent a quote to.

  1. Go to Manage > Quotes.
  2. Select the quote from the list.

  1. Click the menu icon in the top-right corner and select + Convert to customer.

Quote menu

  1. The Convert to customer form will appear. From here you can:
  • create one or more jobs based on the quote(s) you previously sent (at least one option is required)
  • add the job(s) to a round (optional)
  • update the status of the quote to closed (optional)

Select any of these options, and click Convert to customer.

What's next?

Now that you've added a customer or two, you might want to check out: