Integrations in getSoapy

getSoapy provides a number of integrations to give your customers a seamless experience:

getSoapy quote widget

The getSoapy quote widget is included in your free getSoapy website and can also be added to any other website using our plugins.

The quote widget is a simple form that allows potential customers to request a quote for any of your services. The quote fields can be customised in More > Customers > Quote options.

Here's an example of the quote widget:

getSoapy quote widget

getSoapy payment widget

The getSoapy payment widget is included in your free getSoapy website and can also be added to any other website using our plugins.

The payment widget allows customers to make payments for completed jobs or to top-up their balance.

Here's an example of the payment widget:

getSoapy payment widget

getSoapy documents widget

The getSoapy documents widget is included in your free getSoapy website and can also be added to any other website using our plugins.

The documents widget displays any documents that have Show on website enabled. Document visibility settings can be edited in More > My Business > Documents > Visibility options.

The documents widget will not be displayed if no documents have Show on website enabled.

getSoapy customer portal

The getSoapy customer portal is included in your free getSoapy website and can also be added to any other website using our plugins.

See What is the getSoapy customer portal?

Your free getSoapy website

You can set up a free website to advertise your business and services, all from the getSoapy app.

Your getSoapy website will include the quote widget, payment widget, document widget, and customer portal. Plus, you can add your own content and images to it.

To set up your getSoapy website, see How do I set up my free website?

Website plugins

If you'd rather use your own website, you can add the getSoapy quote, payment, and customer portal widgets using our plugins. To do this you'll need to add some HTML tags to your website.

If you have a WordPress website follow this guide: How do I configure the getSoapy Wordpress plugin?

For any other website follow this guide: How do I configure the getSoapy Javascript plugin?

Typeform quote webhook

You can integrate Typeform with getSoapy to automatically create a quote when a form is submitted.

To configure this integration, see Typeform quote webhook