How do I optimise rounds?

There's an automatic and manual way to keep rounds optimised in getSoapy.

If you've selected the Keep optimised option, the round will be automatically optimised for you. Whenever a job is added or removed from the round, getSoapy will automatically optimise the order of the round so you spend less time travelling between jobs.

Alternatively, if you've not selected the Keep optimised option, you can manually optimise a round in two different ways:

Manually optimise a round

  1. Go to Plan > Rounds and click on the round you want to optimise.

  2. Click on the menu icon in the top-right corner and select Optimize round.

Round menu

  1. Let getSoapy do its thing. This might take a few moments depending on how big your round is. You can get on with your other tasks and we'll display a confirmation message once your round is optimised.

Manually reorder jobs in a round

  1. Go to Plan > Rounds and click on the round you want to re-order.

  2. Click on the menu icon in the top-right corner and select Reorder jobs.

Round menu

  1. Drag and drop the jobs in the order you want (with the last job at the bottom of the page).

  2. When you're happy (or happy with the order at least), click Save at the top of the page.

Change the optimisation settings of a round

If you want to change a round between automatic and manual optimisation, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to Plan > Rounds.

  2. Click on the menu icon to the right-hand side of the round you want to edit and select Edit.

Round menu

  1. Toggle the Keep optimised option to the setting you want.

  2. Click Submit to save your changes.