What is annual value?

You'll find an annual value displayed on the customer page for all customers that have jobs associated with them.

The annual value is the annual expected value of all the customer's jobs. This value is calculated by multiplying the cost of the customer's jobs by the number of times each job will occur each year (according to each job frequency). The annual value does not reflect the amount invoiced or charged to a customer.

For example:

  • If a customer has one £20 job with the frequency set to "Monthly", the annual value will equal £240.
  • If a customer has one £25 job with the frequency set to "Quarterly", and a £100 job with the frequency set to "Annually", the annual value will equal £200 (£100 + £100).

If a customer has a job with the frequency set to "None", the job will not be included in the annual value.

If a customer has a job with the frequency set to "Once", the value will be included in the annual value for the year the job is scheduled/done.